We're back in Austin after having a great week in NY and I'll post about it soon...plus I think I owe a follow-up post on E.A.S.T.
Today I'm getting settled back in and reclaiming my studio from it's tour set up as a gallery space. What I have left over from E.A.S.T. will be over at our house for a Holiday Open House that we're doing on Sunday 12/13. I'll announce the details soon and get some images up about it.
For now, I just want to thank my fellow Austin potters who have all been incredibly welcoming.
Ryan McKerley came up with the idea of a group open house as a way of letting people know that I'm new in town making pots. Ryan is one of the founders of
Art of The Pot and he's called in reinforcements with some of his Art of The Pot co-founders. So, I hope you'll save that Sunday to come by our house and check out all of the work. So far we have a great lineup including, Ryan, Lisa Orr, Michael Merritt, Chris Campbell and Claudia Reese. I'm printing up a card today so let me know your address if you'd like one. keith (at) kreegerpottery (dot)com. (sorry...trying to avoid spam by not writing out my full email address)