Wednesday, September 30, 2009
CityScape Mugs

A Visit From an Old Friend

As I mentioned earlier, the Soldner Wheel made it onto the truck but the pedal missed the ride down. I figured, it's 12 years old and I might as well look into getting a new pedal. I quickly learned that a replacement pedal was $531 and I also quickly sent Bruce on a scavenger hunt to find the pedal wherever I had left it.
I returned home from taking Javi to a tennis lesson yesterday evening and found a box had arrived with my trusty pedal....I'm looking forward to getting some pottery made on my trusty old wheel. Thanks Bruce!
And as a bonus...that wasn't the only package that arrived yesterday. Abigail sent down a fantastic care package from Michigan full of pickles and jams made with her crop from her super-garden. Can't wait to try it all! I didn't have the camera with me this morning so the pics of the deliciousness are going to be posted shortly.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Mad Monday

So, after a few days away from the studio I found everything intact and was able to carve into the bourbon bottles I had made before the weekend came.
I found one! Perhaps it's time to make some cups and saucers? And, maybe it's not time wasted but rather corporate research/espionage?
I made a few more bottles/jugs this afternoon as well as some large mugs that should fit into car cupholders....something that has become important to me as I now have a morning commute.
My morning got off to a late start as I had to get my car serviced. I had an appointment for 9:40 but they didn't start on my car until an hour later....I complained, they got the car serviced quickly and didn't charge anything for the service. I guess they earned another chance for my business.

I also wasted a bit of time this morning on Twitter and Google hunting down the Drapers' dinnerware. Yes, I know they're only characters on a tv show but, last season I caught a quick glimpse of their cups and saucers and needed to know what it was. I had googled it all back then but there wasn't much about it. A tweet by Lois Aronow got me interested again and in no time the internets had saved the day, Raffia Pattern dinnerware from the Vernon Kilns. I found some plates for sale and a few other items but I'd love to get a couple of cups and saucers. I guess an ebay search is coming later today....Wait!

Oh, and I haven't watched last night's episode yet so please no spoilers in comments.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Batter Bowls

Today is my half day of work because of a ridiculously overscheduled afternoon for the kids....of course, they all go in different directions. At some point I'm hoping to make it back here after dinner for a productive evening. We'll have to test the nighttime commute at some point. That will most likely be tested as we get closer to a deadline. I have a few things scheduled for the fall but they all seem distant now.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Working Through It

The electrician was here today measuring things out and getting everything set so that later this week he can hook up the disconnect box. It won't be long until I have a kiln operational.
I've tried a few different porcelains so far and as of now I'm most happy with the least convenient...for me. Matt & Dave's Clay has been really nice. I'll leave the detailed analysis up to the porcelain pros like Jim & Jeff. There is a clay supply about 5 minutes down the road from my studio which I was hoping would have a clay body that I would fall in love with but that hasn't happened. It will be convenient though since steady readers of the blog know that I am sometimes without the main ingredient of a glaze while I mix up a batch. On the Cape that was a slight problem since the closest clay supply was 1.5 hours away. I still have yet to try Coleman Porcelain that a clay supply in San Antonio carries. I would assume that by next week I'll have a decision made as to which clay body I'll stick with for a while. Matt from Matt & Dave's has been very helpful in figuring out a cost effective way to get a larger amount of clay down here so it is still a likely option I'll end up with that clay body. I don't particularly mind paying a premium for good clay, I mean seriously...are material costs our main issue as functional potters?
Well, tomorrow I'll be finishing those bowls and getting handles on those cups and then it's time to settle into a cycle...won't be long now.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I'm still trying out clays and testing my surroundings. I made a short run of small flat bottomed bowls this morning and because of the a/c in here I'll be able to finish them up before I head home this evening. (sorry about the blurry pic)

I was also trying to work out some new variations on little vases and I decided to go the Michael Kline route and make some 1 to 1.5 pound versions. These will probably get a little bigger but not much since I don't have my big gas kiln to fill any longer. Something here will probably evolve into a small bud vase, something I haven't really made in years.
So many new things to get used to. I think the smaller kiln will be nice as I'm able to work through the cycle a little quicker than I'm used to.

The other thing I realized was something that I twittered about earlier today. Until now I've been able to sneak into the studio quite easily over the weekend. Spending 45 minutes in the studio putting some handles on mugs on a Sunday while the kids did a project was a no brainer. With my studio across town I no longer have that same luxury. I feel like I may be complaining a little too much. I've got a few hours left to get something done so I should do that.
I'm sure that coming in here next week will go a little more smoothly than things went this week.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
New Space, New Work

Other than a few mugs, the gravy boats/batter bowls above are among the first pieces I've made here in Austin. I'm adjusting to a bunch of new variables and hopefully by next week I'll have actually figured a few things out.
This is the first new space I've worked in for almost 12 years. I'm a creature of habit so it's going to take me some time to get used to the new surroundings. Seriously, I have I think 8 or 10 of the same gray t-shirts that I've been wearing for the past 3 years. You can find me either in jeans and one of those t-shirts or shorts and one of those t-shirts. I can and do dress up on occasion but for everyday outfits...it's that t-shirt...or perhaps a 9 year old standard ceramics supply t-shirt given to me. That could be genetic, my dad has been wearing khaki's and a blue oxford shirt since 8th grade and on my mother's side, my grandfather wasn't exactly known for his fashion sense and often wore mis-matched suits to the office.
Needless to say, it's going to take me a little while to get used to the new creative surroundings.
It's a great space but I'm trying to get used to it. I'm getting used to a commute across town instead of downstairs and down the hall. I'm trying out some new clays including, the blogosphere's newest sensation, Porcelain for the People.
So...new clay, new studio, new studio hours....it's a lot for this creature of habit. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all works out. Better get back to work.
Oh...and I left my foot pedal for my Soldner Wheel back on the Cape. I'm missing that more than most things that I've forgotten. I've been throwing on my Brent, which for 12 years I've used for trimming. I'm going to call a friend and see if they can find the pedal in my studio and ship it down so I can have one thing feel normal here.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Art of Tea

I was invited to a Teapot show coming up in Rockville, MD. I don't have a picture of my teapot yet because it is still inside one of the many boxes which I'm going to unpack over at my studio this weekend. I guess I now know what my first order of business in the new studio will be...photos. And, the second order of business will be to pack that teapot back up and ship it back East.
Here's the link to a blog they started for the show. I'm in some great company with some wonderful teapots.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Slipcast Blog
For those who haven't checked out Slipcast: The Ceramics Blog yet, you're missing out. I'm loving these plates that were featured recently.
I haven't tried porcelain from Matt & Dave's Clay yet but once I get my studio up and running I intend to get a sample batch and see if it's as great as I keep hearing it is.
Here We Go!
I had hoped to get a studio together by October 1st. For the first time in my life as a professional potter I'm ahead of schedule. I just signed a lease for this great studio space in East Austin. It's in a brand new live/work condo development called Cobra Studios. The woman I'm leasing the unit from is a painter and had planned to use it herself but luckily for me decided to lease it out instead.
Here are a few pics. I'm planning to move everything in by Friday and hopefully I'll be fully operational by sometime next week.

So, now that I have a space and will begin life as a potter again, perhaps posting will resume on a more regular basis.
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