The webstore program is full of templates and is supposed to be easy to upload from my program but apparently, my basic knowledge of Dreamweaver isn't enough to get it up and running. It definitely wasn't for lack of trying. I uploaded everything up to our server and tried everything I could to get it to work. No such luck. So, it's been taken off of the server until I can figure it out. I'm going to have to bribe Bruce with some Anchor Steam Liberty Ale, Dogfish 90 Minute IPA or Dogfish 240 Minute IPA if that's what it's going to take.'s time to forget about your real know the one's who pay you with money instead of pots and get on over here on Saturday. You don't really want to keep painting trim anyways....Amy will understand. Let me know which beer(s) you want and it will be here waiting for you....along with a whole bunch of php errors.
Wow, a public call to arms. I can't leave a friend in distress. Don't worry, one way or another, we'll kick it's ass.
PHP....Look out!!!
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